midwest - Page 10 of 30 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of light pink and white Rosellas Dream lily

    Lily Love

    Today’s photos are from Mary Murphy in Minnetonka, Minnesota. We’ve visited her garden before (More Blooms From Mary), and today she’s focusing on her lily collection. Here are some photos…

  • Oak wilt symptoms

    What Is Oak Wilt and How Do You Treat It?

    Oak wilt kills hundreds of thousands of oaks (Quercus spp. and cvs. Zones 3–11) in the Midwest and beyond every year, but what is it? Oak wilt is caused by a…

  • healthy and productive vegetable garden

    Tips to Keep a Vegetable Garden Healthy and Productive in the Midwest

    My first memories of a vegetable garden are of large sunflowers (Helianthus annuus and cvs., annual) growing in our backyard when I was about five years old and my mom…

  • large planting of purple irises

    End of Spring in Indiana

    Today’s photos are from Joe in northern Indiana. May has ended, and hot, dry weather has arrived; it officially feels like summer in the garden. But the last few bits…

  • close up of bright yellow auricula primrose

    May in Indiana

    Joseph here, sharing some things in bloom in my northern Indiana garden from the first half of May. I’m not sure what species this wallflower (Erysimum sp.) is—it came from…

  • summer perennials

    Peak-Season Perennials for Your Region

    While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…

  • summer perennials for the midwest

    Peak-Season Perennials for the Midwest

    While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…

  • Design

    Bouquets from Amanda

    Amanda Benick is sharing with us today from Cincinnati (Zone 6b). Amanda says that she has been having a bad spring, with lots of up-and-down weather, going from freezing cold…

  • columnar trees

    8 Great Columnar Trees for the Midwest

    Vertical elements in the landscape become “visual beacons” and act not only as focal points but as elements of accent and contributors of scale. Narrow and columnar deciduous trees can…

  • stone garden path cutting through large plantings of white flowers

    Gardening at the 45th Parallel (Zone 4b)

    Today we’re in chilly Zone 4b, visiting Susan Warde’s Minnesota garden. Before my husband and I bought our current home in 1981, we’d pass it on neighborhood walks. Gazing at…