midwest - Page 6 of 30 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of Prickly pear cactus with bright yellow flowers

    Marty’s Minnesota Garden

    Today we’re visiting with Marty Whalen. I live in the countryside of northern Minnesota on 8 acres of beautiful soil that was once cattle pasture. Not a rock in sight.…

  • table and bench inside potting shed

    Brad’s DIY Greenhouse

    Hey there! My name is Brad Johnson, and I garden in northeastern Ohio (Zone 6b). I’m sharing some photos of my DIY greenhouse/potting shed. We constructed this over the summer…

  • spring planting plan midwest

    Spring Planting Plan for the Midwest

    In her article "Spring Planting Ideas," Michelle Gervais beautifully illustrates the magical time that is the start of spring: "Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear.…

  • favorite midsummer plants

    4 Midsummer Favorites From a Plant Breeder’s Garden

    Although it would be nearly impossible for any plant lover to choose just one favorite, here are a few of the standouts that look especially good in my Zone 6…

  • evergreen plants in containers on either side of front steps of home

    The Best Dwarf Evergreens for Winter Containers

    No garden is complete without at least a few containers for seasonal color. I always specify locations for planters when I create a new landscape design, with the intention of…

  • garden border along a fence with pink and yellow flowers

    Alana’s Ohio Garden

    My name is Alana and I garden in Columbus, Ohio. My current garden is about 7 years old and I’m constantly tweaking it. One of my favorite parts of gardening…

  • close up of pink tricolor beech foliage

    Nicki’s Foliage Favorites

    Today’s photos are from Nicki Snoblin in Lake Bluff, Illinois. We’ve visited their garden before (Nicki's New Garden Project and Fall in Nicki's Garden ) and today Nicki is sharing…

  • close up of purple Cool Wave pansies

    Unexpected Winter Blooms

    Joseph here, in northern Indiana, where normally December and January is an indoor-only gardening season, with lots of snow, frigid temperatures, and ground frozen solid. Not this winter, though. We’ve…

  • garden in early summer with foliage from bulbs and perennials beginning to bloom

    Resetting the Border

    Kathy Schreurs in Sheldon, Iowa, is sharing her garden with us today. She wrote in right before the change from daylight savings time, and had this to say: It’s that…

  • close up of bright orange rudbeckia flowers

    Stars in Keith’s Garden

    Keith Irvine is sharing photos with us today—some close-up looks at the stars of his Zone 3 garden in Oxdrift, Ontario. I struggled for years to get a decent mature…