midwest - Page 8 of 30 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of pink allium and coneflowers

    Rachel’s Illinois Garden

    Today we’re visiting with Rachel, a gardener and artist living in Elgin, Illinois (Zone 5b). She moved in 2022 to 1.5 acres and is in the process of designing and…

  • several monarch butterflies on goldenrods

    Favorite Natives of the Year

    Today’s photos are from Joseph in Indiana. As we get into fall, I find myself always looking back on the plants I’ve seen that I’d like to add to my…

  • deer-resistant plants

    Plants That the Herbivores Will Avoid in Your Region

    While results can vary, the expert-selected plants are the closest you'll get to pest-proof. Find plants the herbivores will avoid for your region.

  • deer-resistant plants for the midwest

    Plants That the Herbivores Will Avoid in the Midwest

    Fionuala Campion says in her article, Dazzling Deer-Resistant Perennials, "Though very graceful and delightful to behold in their native habitat, deer are a voracious force to reckon with in many…

  • close up of small orange tulips with yellow centers

    Bulbs Worth Planting

    Hi GPODers, this is Joseph, your GPOD editor. Fall is here in my Indiana garden, which means bulb-planting time! I’ve been going through old pictures looking at some of my…

  • birdbath and pink flowers in a garden bed

    Terri’s Garden in Michigan

    We’re in Holland, Michigan, today visiting Terri Holden’s beautiful garden. It's a late summer day on the path through Terri’s garden that leads to Lake Macatawa. Terri says she enjoys…

  • giant agave in a pot in front of large planting of dahlias

    Agaves in Ontario

    Alice Fleurkens in Sweaburg, Ontario, has shared her garden with us several times on the GPOD, but today she sent in some photos of a friend’s garden, which is just…

  • slam-dunk perennials

    8 Slam-Dunk Perennials for the Midwest

    While our gardens are always changing, we certainly put a lot of pressure on our plants to perform and look good, particularly the perennials. The wide range of soils and…

  • bright pink begonias growing underneath various shade plants

    Late Summer in Michigan

    Today we’re in Nella’s Michigan garden. Usually my spring garden is my favorite. It's a lovely welcome to the new gardening season after a cold, gray Michigan winter. This year…

  • birdbath with pink and purple astilbes and yellow daylilies

    Bath Time! (for Birds)

    Today’s photos are from Susan Warde in St. Paul, Minnesota (Zone 4b). I love ponds and waterfalls and fountains but don’t want to deal with the work they entail. So…