Native - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Hardy hummingbird trumpet
Zauschneria arizonicaThis heat-loving native Southwestern species has gray-green leaves and grows to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide.
Plant Guide
Yucca glaucaThis clumping evergreen shrub with narrow leaves produces a startling, 3- to 4-foot-tall flower stalk.
Plant Guide
Rusty blackhaw viburnum
Viburnum rufidulumWhile North American native viburnums occur most commonly in the eastern United States, rusty blackhaw viburnum flirts with the edge of the Plains.
Plant Guide
Culver’s root
Veronicastrum virginicum
This species has multiple tapering, soft spikes of white to pale pink or bluish purple flowers that look like elegant, living candelabras.
Plant Guide
Piggyback plant
Tolmiea menziesii ‘Taff’s Gold’With its mottled cream/green foliage, 'Taff's Gold' can brighten any dark garden area.
Plant Guide
Propeller toad shade
Trillium stamineumThis striking spring-blooming species features narrow, chocolate-colored petals that twist like a propeller over slightly mottled leaves.
Plant Guide
Giant trillium
Trillium chloropetalumThis species blooms in early to mid-spring with large blossoms of white, yellow, or deep purple-black.
Plant Guide
Dwarf wakerobin
Trillium pusillumIn spring, the foliage of this petite species emerges a deep purple-black-green and is topped by white blooms with rippled petals.
Plant Guide
Bent trillium
Trillium flexipesThis trillium produces large white flowers above the foliage in mid-spring, but the flowers are later hidden as the flower stalks nod.
Plant Guide
Indian grass
Sorghastrum nutans 'Indian Steel'
Golden yellow plumes and a vase-like form give 'Indian Steel' a refined look.