native perennials - Page 2 of 2 - Fine Gardening

  • Indian pink flowers

    Native to Know: Indian Pink

    Calling all hummingbirds! Indian pink (Spigelia marilandica, Zones 5–9), also called pinkroot, blooms all across the Southern Plains in late spring and early summer. Perhaps one of our showiest native…

  • hardy perennials for midwest

    Tough, Hardy Native Perennials for the Midwest

    Native perennials are becoming more popular and more available to gardeners every year. They have the merits of being adaptable in our climate, and some need less maintenance because they…

  • Tough-Leaf Iris

    Great Native Plants for the Northwest

    Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, they…

  • Prairie Skullcap

    Great Native Plants for the Northern Plains

    Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, they…

  • great native plants

    Great Native Plants for Your Region

    Growing native plants is the gardening equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Not only are these plants beautiful and more likely to thrive in your landscape, but…

  • Purple poppy mallow

    Low-Growing, Native Perennials for the Southern Plains

    Do you ever have a spot in your garden, usually at the very front of a bed, that needs a short plant? Maybe you even want it to grow up…

  • Design

    Best Natives for the Northeast

    Top pick: Northern maidenhair fern is a textural wonder for the shade Name: Adiantum pedatum Zones: 3–8 Size: 1 to 2 feet tall and wide Conditions: Partial to full shade;…

  • Design

    Best Native Plants for California

    Top Pick: Red-flowered buckwheat may be small, but it has focal-point power Name: Eriogonum grande var. rubescens Zones: 8–10 Size: 2 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide Conditions:…

  • Various native perennial seeds and leaves

    Native Perennials to Start from Seed

    Growing native perennials from seed is easier than you might imagine. If you choose species that are adapted to your climate and growing conditions, it’s likely that you can start…