Native - Page 33 of 35

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    ‘Sunray’ coreopsis

    Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Sunray’

    'Sunray' coreopsis has double to semi-double yellow flowers that begin blooming in late spring and continue throughout the summer.

  • Plant Guide

    Nodding onion

    Allium cernuum

    This plant produces open clusters of pinkish purple, droplet-shaped flowers along drooping, arching 2-foot-tall stems.

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    Jewel orchid

    Goodyera pubescens

    This native terrestrial orchid produces basal rosettes of striking silvery-veined evergreen foliage.

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    Rose acacia, Bristly locust

    Robinia hispida

    This showy flowering shrub grows to 8 feet tall and wide and features dark green, compound pinnate leaves on bristly stems and pendant clusters of fragrant, pea-like, rose-pink flowers that are…

  • Plant Guide

    Whipple’s penstemon

    Penstemon whippleanus

    This is an upright penstemon with striking deep burgundy, purple, sometimes lavender or cream flowers on thin stems.

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    White fringetree

    Chionanthus virginicus

    This North American native is unrivaled in beauty for its pendulous and diaphanous clusters of fragrant white blossoms, which appear in May or June.

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    Northern pussy toes

    Antennaria neodioica

    This deciduous, mat-forming perennial produces everlasting flowers.

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    New Mexico privet

    Forestiera neomexicana

    This perennial shrub or small tree has an upright form that reaches heights of up to 10 feet.

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    West Texas cobalt sage

    Salvia reptans

    West Texas cobalt sage is a marvelously distinct species that can be enjoyed by gardeners farther north, as long as they purchase the west Texas form, which is quite cold-hardy.

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    Buffalo currant

    Ribes odoratum

    In spring, this North American native shrub produces clove-scented, lemon-yellow flowers, which are followed by black edible fruits.