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    Oxydendrum arboreum

    Sourwood, the lone species of the genus, is found in woodlands and along streams of eastern North America.

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    ‘Pink Beauty’ doublefile viburnum

    Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Pink Beauty'

    This shrub's signature characteristics are its tiered shape and handsome, grayish brown branches.

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    Wild four o’clock

    Mirabilis multiflora

    Native to the southwestern U.

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    Sawtooth sunflower

    Helianthus grosse-serratus

    Sawtooth sunflower's abundant yellow daisy flowers bloom from late summer well into fall.

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    Wrinkleleaf goldenrod

    Solidago rugosa

    This species has open, tree-shaped flower clusters that radiate out like a fountain.

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    ‘Elizabeth Ann’ spotted geranium

    Geranium maculatum ‘Elizabeth Ann’

    This gorgeous cultivar of the North American species has rich, chocolate brown foliage and contrasting lavender blooms.

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    Common bearberry, Kinnikinnick

    Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

    This is a fine plant for cascading over the edge of a wall.

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    ‘Color Guard’ yucca

    Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’

    This dramatic architectural plant is one of the most beautiful variegated yuccas on the market.

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    Early goldenrod

    Solidago juncea

    This is the first goldenrod to bloom, featuring bright yellow, plume-like panicles in midsummer.

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    Lewisia cotyledon

    Lewisia cotyledon

    Lewisia cotyledon is an evergreen perennial of incredible beauty and well-balanced proportions.