natural pest control - Fine Gardening

  • How-To

    35 Pest and Disease Remedies

    by Sharon Lovejoy   I’ve found that awareness and a quick response are two of the best allies against garden foes. By knowing my plants, as well as their pests and…

  • Purple and chartreuse form the backbone of the color scheme.

    A Garden That Has It All

    My husband and I moved into our house in November nine years ago. I recall the weather vividly because, instead of starting my new journey indoors with painting walls and…

  • water garden with plants

    Q&A: Keeping Water Gardens Mosquito-Free

    How do you keep a water garden from attracting mosquitoes? I’d love to have one, but I don’t want the bugs. —Eva Carlow, Iowa City, Iowa John Bueglas, entomologist and…

  • releasing beneficial mites

    Control Spider Mites With Beneficial Mites

    You’re ready to try a more sustainable method of pest control and have purchased some beneficial mite eggs to release onto a plant infested with spider mites. How do you…

  • Article

    Spiders in the Garden

    Hollywood and Halloween have done nothing for the reputation of spiders (not to mention bats) and their true value they bring to the natural world.

  • How-To

    Much Ado About Moles

    Moles are much maligned, delicate creatures that improve the soil, eat many pest insects, and get blamed for damage they do not cause.