natural pest control - Fine Gardening
35 Pest and Disease Remedies
by Sharon Lovejoy I’ve found that awareness and a quick response are two of the best allies against garden foes. By knowing my plants, as well as their pests and…
A Garden That Has It All
My husband and I moved into our house in November nine years ago. I recall the weather vividly because, instead of starting my new journey indoors with painting walls and…
Q&A: Keeping Water Gardens Mosquito-Free
How do you keep a water garden from attracting mosquitoes? I’d love to have one, but I don’t want the bugs. —Eva Carlow, Iowa City, Iowa John Bueglas, entomologist and…
Control Spider Mites With Beneficial Mites
You’re ready to try a more sustainable method of pest control and have purchased some beneficial mite eggs to release onto a plant infested with spider mites. How do you…
Spiders in the Garden
Hollywood and Halloween have done nothing for the reputation of spiders (not to mention bats) and their true value they bring to the natural world.
Much Ado About Moles
Moles are much maligned, delicate creatures that improve the soil, eat many pest insects, and get blamed for damage they do not cause.