Naturalizing - Page 14 of 34 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Purple coneflower
Echinacea purpurea
Because of its carefree performance, this native meadow perennial with daisy-like flowers appropriately inhabits the gardens of many.
Plant Guide
Fringed bleeding heart
Dicentra eximia ‘Alba’
Rows of white flowers dangle above the fern-like foliage, opening in April and continuing intermittently until October.
Plant Guide
Rain lily
Zephyranthes reginae
These Mexican native bulbs actually offer demanding gardeners flowers on demand.
Plant Guide
Viola ‘Etain’
Viola ‘Etain’A hardworking, compact perennial, ‘Etain’ violet forms well-behaved clumps and blooms from time to time from spring through fall.
Plant Guide
Blue woolly speedwell
Veronica pectinataThis dense, mat-forming species has 3-inch-tall evergreen foliage with toothed gray leaves.
Plant Guide
Purple mullein
Verbascum phoeniceum
This biennial or short-lived perennial species is one of the earliest mulleins to bloom.
Plant Guide
Canada hemlock
Tsuga canadensisThis North American native grows to 70 feet tall, with a broadly pyramidal outline.
Plant Guide
‘Spring Symphony’ Foam flower
Tiarella 'Spring Symphony'This reblooming, clump-forming variety blooms in spring, producing 15-inch spires densely packed with pink blossoms.
Plant Guide
‘Pink Chintz’ thyme
Thymus serpyllum ‘Pink Chintz’One of the first thymes to flower each year, this charming and reliable cultivar bursts into bloom in early spring with unique salmon-pink flowers.
Plant Guide
Red trillium
Trillium erectumThis trillium has upright or outward-facing blossoms of chocolate or reddish-purple, or occasionally white or yellow.