Naturalizing - Page 20 of 34 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Snow Lace® gray dogwood
Cornus racemosa 'Emerald'This native shrub dogwood is more compact than the species with semiglossy, emerald green foliage and showy, white fruit.
Plant Guide
‘Henry’s Garnet’ Virginia sweetspire
Itea virginica ‘Henry's Garnet’'Henry's Garnet' Virginia sweetspire is a very dependable, showy plant.
Plant Guide
‘Brilliantissima’ Red chokeberry
Photinia pyrifolia 'Brilliantissima''Brilliantissima' rivals hollies (Ilex spp.
Plant Guide
Devil’s walking stick
Aralia spinosaThe textural quality of this eastern native's stems and foliage is superb.
Plant Guide
Dutch crocus
Crocus vernus
Dutch crocus is one of the hardiest, if not the hardiest, crocus species readily available to home gardeners.
Plant Guide
‘Indian Summer’ black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Indian Summer’‘Indian Summer’ is a standout among a sea of black-eyed Susans because of its extra-large, golden yellow flower heads.
Plant Guide
Lesser calamint
Calamintha nepetaLesser calamint produces fine, upright stems which are covered with small, shiny, dark green leaves, forming a little bush from 12 to 18 inches tall, and twice as wide.
Plant Guide
Hairy loosestrife
Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker'Hairy loosestrife has dark burgundy- to chocolate-colored foliage that spreads to form large clumps but is generally not invasive.
Plant Guide
Japanese anemone
Anemone hupehensis var. japonicaJapanese anemones are slightly taller than the species, sometimes growing to 4 feet.
Plant Guide
Drumstick allium
Allium sphaerocephalonThe drumstick allium has egg-shaped flowers in summer that start off green, then bloom and develop to pink, and then darken to red-purple.