Nectar Plants - Fine Gardening
How to Create a Butterfly Haven
I will never forget when I became hooked on butterflies. It was 2007, my first year working at Powell Gardens in Kingsville, Missouri. Each spring the garden includes milkweeds (Asclepias…
Winter Nectar Plants for Hummingbirds in the Southwest
There’s something magical about a garden graced with hummingbirds. As they dart between flowers and zip by at impossible speeds, they’re letting you know you’ve done something right. The Southwest,…
Best Nectar Plants for Butterflies in the Southern Plains
When it comes to butterfly gardening, I’m a big believer in native wildflowers. Butterflies and wildflowers evolved together, depending on one another for survival. I also prefer natives because they…
Designing a Stylish Pollinator Garden
A few years ago, in an effort to try to help dwindling butterfly and bee populations, my partner Mikel and I plowed up an acre of invasive bittersweet on the…
Pollinators’ Favorite Nectar Plants
The first spring in the pollinator garden we planted more than two thousand plugs and were itchy to see results. But not much insect activity happened at first. Plants were…
Vines for the Connoisseur
Climbers add a depth and complexity to the garden that just can’t be achieved with perennials and shrubs. The sweeping flow and layered effects vines provide give a landscape a…