Niagara - Page 10 of 37 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Painted tongues
Salpiglossis sinuata and cvs.Long, narrow leaves grow in rosettes near the ground.
Plant Guide
‘Purple Pavement’ rugosa rose
Rosa rugosa ‘Purple Pavement’'Purple Pavement' has large, ruffled blossoms with a purple-red color and strong fragrance.
Plant Guide
African scurf pea
Psoralea pinnataThis short-lived shrub or small tree with feathery foliage is blanketed in late spring with fragrant, pea-shaped violet blooms with white wings.
Plant Guide
Vesper iris
Pardanthopsis dichotomaThe flowers of vesper iris open in the late afternoon over a period of several minutes, just about the time the sound of evening vespers might have wafted over an…
Plant Guide
‘Blue Moon’ blue phlox
Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’This cultivar of the popular blue phlox has round, full flowers with overlapping petals.
Plant Guide
Blue phlox
Phlox divaricata and cvs.This spreading, semi-evergreen perennial has hairy leaves and lavender-blue to pale violet and white flowers borne in open clusters in early spring.
Plant Guide
Mountain fleece
Persicaria amplexicaulisThis vigorous, but noninvasive perennial flowers from early summer into autumn with bright red, purple, or white blossoms.
Plant Guide
Pearl millet
Pennisetum glaucum 'Purple Majesty'
This cultivar of pearl millet has wide, deep purple foliage and stems.
Plant Guide
Variegated Jacob’s ladder
Polemonium caeruleum ‘Brise d’Anjou’This dramatic cultivar has bright green leaves that are richly edged with cream.
Plant Guide
Whipple’s penstemon
Penstemon whippleanusThis is an upright penstemon with striking deep burgundy, purple, sometimes lavender or cream flowers on thin stems.