November - Page 3 of 3 - Fine Gardening
Nut Trees for the Southern Plains
Compared to those living in more northern regions, we here in the Southern Plains are relatively limited in our selection of nut trees. Luckily for us, our best nut-bearing tree…
Unique North American Natives for the Midwest
As the weather turns colder in autumn, many Midwesterners are reflecting on the gardening season and already making planting plans for next year—whether to fill a conspicuous gap in the…
Collecting Seeds from Your Garden
Though we’re definitely heading toward winter here in the Mid-Atlantic, November can bring some marvelously mild weather too. If you’re looking for a good excuse to get back out to…
Reflecting on Mirror Plants
The mirror plant (Coprosma spp. and cvs., Zones 8–11) has several stunning varieties, but they all share some characteristics, foremost being that they are colorful plants native to the coastal…
(Don’t) Put the Garden to Bed for the Season
Most of us were taught to get a jump on spring by putting the garden “to bed” in the fall. We’re compelled to cut every perennial down to the ground,…
Growing Citrus in Northern California
With glossy evergreen leaves, fragrant spring flowers, and bountiful yields of delicious, vitamin-rich fruit, a citrus tree (Citrus spp. and cvs., Zones 9–11) can be a high-value, highly attractive addition…
It’s the Season for Taking Stock: What Plants Worked This Year and What Didn’t
For a couple of years now, I’ve been evaluating my garden plantings to determine who gets to stay and who goes. Water is pricey, plants can be pricey, and my…