Plant Care - Fine Gardening
How to Have Success With Sedums
Sedums are easy to care for. They tend to grow naturally in cool, rocky areas, so well-drained soil is ideal. They also grow in open and exposed situations, which means…
Tips to Improve Bush Clover Performance
Best location With bush clovers, full sun is best for heavy flower production and to maintain full-bodied habits. These plants are easy to grow in average to dry soil; good…
Growing Summer Alliums: Conditions and Care
When given proper conditions and care, summer alliums are stellar, reliable performers in the landscape. Here are some insights into growing summer alliums that can help you manage and enjoy…
Euphorbia Care and Quirks
Euphorbias, commonly known as spurges, are very easy to grow. They all need at least six hours of full sun, but more is generally better. Plants that don’t get enough…