Plant sexuality - Fine Gardening
Seed Saving Made Simple
For most of today’s gardeners, the growing season begins with a spring seed catalog. But for those who save seeds from year to year, the next growing season begins as…
Kitchen Gardening
Squash Basics: Troubleshooting Common Problems
Green zucchini, yellow crooknecks, and pattypans—all summer squash are tasty, early bearing, and easy to grow, especially if you use good organic methods. But even with the best of crops,…
Ways to Improve Pollination in the Veggie Garden
Procreation in the garden is pretty simple. The pollen from a flower’s stamen has to find the ovary (pistil) in another—or sometimes the same—flower; the plant is now pollinated, and…
Grow More Flowers to Harvest More Food
We have all watched pollinators go about their business with flowers. But just how—if at all—do they work in conjunction with the vegetable garden? And will the addition of flowers…
Starting From Seed
The development of a seedling is like a person waking up in the morning. There’s the dormant period (sleep). External stimuli, such as temperature and moisture, tell the seed that…