plants for sun - Page 2 of 2 - Fine Gardening

  • sun shade plants

    6 Great Plants That Tolerate Both Full-Sun and Shade Conditions

    When designing a garden, I am often looking for plant material that tolerates both full-sun and shade conditions. Perhaps the garden bed includes a young tree that currently provides very…

  • Design

    Rich Colors in Sun and Shade

    Todays photos come from Sandy Lynch and Steven Edson's garden. They didn’t send along much information about it, but the incredible photos speak for themselves! All of the early summer-flowering…

  • Design

    Designing a Hellstrip Garden, Part 2

    After reviewing the current state of my hellstrip, I’m happy with the progress that all the plants are making and with how many are thriving, self-seeding, and filling in the…

  • Design

    Plants That Like It Hot

    When summer sizzles, these plants keep performing

  • bold colorful plants in the garden, with shades of red, purple, yellow and chartreuse

    Design a Garden With Bold Colors

    As an amateur artist, I know that four is the number of hues I can use in a painting without it starting to look garish. The more colors you use…

  • Design

    3 Myths About Clematis

    Gardeners are a helpful bunch, always eager to pass along useful tips. Though we can learn a great deal this way, we shouldn’t be surprised that some bad information keeps…

  • Design

    The Best Big Blooming Clematis

    A garden is incomplete without clematis (Clematis spp. and cvs., USDA Hardiness Zones 4–11). From the moment I grew my first one, I was hooked. The flowers can be in-your-face…