Potato - Fine Gardening
Kitchen Gardening
New Vegetable Grafting Mirrors Old Solanum Experiments
What do you get when you cross a tomato with a potato plant? If you answered the new Ketchup ‘n’ Fries plant from Territorial Seed Company, you’re right.
Kitchen Gardening
How to Grow Potatoes
Organic potatoes are simple to grow and lead to an abundant harvest
Kitchen Gardening
Build Your Own Potato Growing Box
Like the floors of a building, this "growing" box can produce a bumper crop of potatoes in a small area.
How to Grow Potatoes in a Tower
Potatoes are versatile, delicious, and rich in vitamins. And if you’re able to grow them successfully, the harvest can keep for the entire winter (something not even tasty tomatoes can…
Kitchen Gardening
10 Foolproof Veggies Anyone Can Grow
“Raising vegetables ain’t easy.” I’ll never forget hearing this sentence come out of the mouth of a farmer from Iowa. I had always grown a few tomatoes and a row…
How to Easily Grow Potatoes in a Can
No matter what type of gardener you are—be it vegetable, ornamental, or both—the space you have to grow your plants often dictates your choices. So as a gardener whose “garden”…