Readers Tips - Page 2 of 2 - Fine Gardening

  • Starting seeds with little ones

    Gardening Tips for Winter

    Winning Tip: Starting seeds with little ones We love starting seeds indoors, but with young children helping, we would end up with a muddy, overwatered mess. To prevent that from…

  • 5 Tips for a Better Garden

    5 Tips for a Better Garden

    Winning Tip: Gardening is entertaining too I discovered a new use for an old entertainment center—a raised garden bed. As you can see from the photo, I laid the entertainment…

  • How-To

    Garden Advice for Summer

    Winning Tip: Alternative to hog wire Hog wire has become a popular fencing material for home gardeners, but I’ve found an alternative that’s better on several counts. Remesh—which is used…

  • How-To

    Tip: Keep Dirt Out of Your Fingernails

    For some, dirt under the fingernails is a badge of honor. It says, “I’m a real gardener.” But try taking those dirty fingernails to a summer cocktail party full of…

  • Kneeler shoes

    5 Tips for the Early Summer Garden

    Winning Tip: Kneeler shoes My granddaughter bought me a garden kneeler for Christmas. I didn’t think I needed one, but it has made planting and weeding easier on my knees…

  • How-To

    Patch a Lawn With No Weeds

    Anyone with a lawn knows that at some point, it will need maintenance, including patching or reseeding. Generally, wheat straw is used on the patch to offer some protection to…