regional reports - Page 13 of 85 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of bright red japanese maple

    How to Grow Japanese Maples

    The Northeast is well known for its native maple trees (Acer spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). They are commonly used as forestry plants or sidewalk trees and are invaluable contributors…

  • native plants for southern california

    5 Must-Have Native Plants for the Southern California Garden

    Even though we like to think much in our lives is predictable and at least somewhat under our control, everything is continually changing, and the garden is a perfect teacher…

  • Osage Orange

    The Weird and Wonderful Osage Orange

    In October and November, apple-green, grapefruit-size fruits of female Osage orange trees (Maclura pomifera, Zones 4–9) fall from their canopies and hit the ground with a hearty thump. This North…

  • plants with berries

    Ornamental Plants With Berries for Winter Birds in the Northwest

    While many of us may recall learning in school about the phenomenon of bird migration, some in the Pacific Northwest may not be aware that our area is a migratory…

  • almost ripe butternut squash

    Late-Fall Chores in the Northern California Vegetable Garden

    One of the best things about vegetable gardening here in Northern California, is that there’s seldom any true downtime. Whether it is winter, spring, summer, or fall, there are chores…

  • newly planted trident maple

    Tree Planting Tips

    When you’ve gone to the trouble of finding exactly the right tree for your garden, it makes sense that you’d want to give it every possible advantage at planting time.…

  • winter garden protection

    Winter Protection for the Midwest Garden

    As the gardening season comes to a close in the Midwest, there are some important tasks we should consider to protect our gardens from the harsh conditions of winter. Protection…

  • growing shallots

    Growing Shallots in the Southern Plains

    Shallots (Allium cepa var. aggregatum and cvs.) are expensive to purchase in the store, which is one reason I like to grow my own. A member of the allium or…

  • seeds to sow in fall

    Sow Seed in Fall for Annuals in Spring

    It might sound counterintuitive, but when the possibility of cooler weather arrives in fall, it’s time to think about spring flowers. Some of the best spring bloomers only do well…

  • trees with fall color

    Trees With Great Fall Color for the Northwest

    Although summer is a great and botanically bountiful season, fall is always a much-welcome time of year—especially after the heat of summer. I love living in the Northwest. The extremes…