Rock Garden - Page 25 of 34 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Wrinkleleaf goldenrod
Solidago rugosaThis species has open, tree-shaped flower clusters that radiate out like a fountain.
Plant Guide
Autumn moor grass
Sesleria autumnalisThis cool-season grass begins the season with bright green blades.
Plant Guide
Rocky stonecrop
Sedum rupestreThis is a vigorous, mat-forming evergreen species with small gray-green leaves and terminal clusters of star-shaped, vibrant yellow flowers in summer.
Plant Guide
‘Blue Hill’ meadow sage
Salvia × sylvestris 'Blue Hill'This drought-tolerant perennial bears abundant pure blue flower spikes in early summer and until fall if spent flowers are removed promptly.
Plant Guide
Germander sage
Salvia chamaedryoidesThis choice species boasts narrow, downy sage-green leaves and true sky-blue blossoms from summer to fall.
Plant Guide
Helleborus × hybridus cvs.From late fall through winter, the leathery leaves of hellebores stay glossy, cheery, and green.
Plant Guide
‘Dorothy Wyckoff’ andromeda
Pieris japonica ‘Dorothy Wyckoff’This compact, rounded shrub produces reddish-purple buds that first open as soft pink then mature to white.
Plant Guide
Colorado blue spruce
Picea pungens ‘Procumbens’'Procumbens' is similar to 'Pendula' in color but prostrate in habit, with cascading branches sometimes staying stiffly horizontal.
Plant Guide
Creeping phlox
Phlox stoloniferaA dense, vigorous, mat-forming ground cover, creeping phlox has short flower stems from 3 to 12 inches tall.
Plant Guide
Saffron crocus
Crocus sativus
The saffron crocus blooms in the autumn, producing 1 to 5 rich lilac flowers with dark purple veins, held wide open above inconspicuous foliage.