Rock Garden - Page 32 of 34 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Wild jonquil
Narcissus jonquillaThis Division 10 Bulbocodium species blooms late in the season, bearing up to 5 fragrant and nodding golden-yellow flowers.
Plant Guide
Lewisia cotyledon
Lewisia cotyledonLewisia cotyledon is an evergreen perennial of incredible beauty and well-balanced proportions.
Plant Guide
Spring starflower
Ipheion uniflorum
Star-shaped, honey-scented, pale silvery blue flowers are borne in spring for several weeks.
Plant Guide
Golden Japanese forest grass
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’Brightly variegated golden foliage with green stripes near the leaf margins give this Japanese forest grass its distinctive look.
Plant Guide
Bloody cranesbill
Geranium sanguineumA profusion of delicate, magenta-pink, upward-facing blossoms cover this plant over a long period.
Plant Guide
Fortune’s holly fern
Cyrtomium fortuneiUsually found in moist, rocky areas or woodland in central and eastern Asia, this evergreen fern is deciduous in colder climates.
Plant Guide
Yellow corydalis
Corydalis luteaThis species has bluntly spurred golden yellow flowers from late spring to early fall.
Plant Guide
Solitary clematis
Clematis integrifolia
Clematis integrifolia is a herbaceous, woody-based, upright, non-climbing perennial with a dense and somewhat sprawling habit.
Plant Guide
Giant knapweed
Centaurea macrocephalaThis clumping, robust perennial has unusual ramrod-stiff flower stems that bloom from early summer through late summer.
Plant Guide
Leatherleaf sedge
Carex buchananiiTwo-foot-tall, stiff, orange-brown blades curve at the end like a shepherd’s staff.