salsa - Fine Gardening
More Tomatoes!
The tomatoes are peaking here in my Maryland zone 7 garden. A bit of cooler temps slowed them down a bit... however we are picking and eating them everyday--and sharing…
Green Chile Season
It's that time of year again--the green chiles are here! The Hatch chile tractor trailers has been pulling into towns across the nation to deliver these glorious New Mexico capsicums.…
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
Coriander or cilantro is one of my favorite herbs to cultivate and cook with--see how easy it is to sow this annual seed so you can harvest it all summer.
Swiss Chard Rolls with Quinoa
My Swiss chard is having a resurgence after the summer heat--so I came up with this tasty dish using it.
Homegrown Tomatoes
By the looks of current posts, tomatoes are a popular topic. We are in the peak of tomato season and no matter how you slice them--thick or thin--enjoy them while…
Tis’ the Season…for Tomatoes that is…
It is that time of summer where we have sated our first summer tomato yearnings and moved on to just-picked tomatoes lined up on the backporch waiting to be incorporated…
Sweet Corn Soup with Cilantro Salsa
An easy soup that can be made with a water base or by using a quick stock recipe. Green salsa is swirled into the soup before serving.