seed-starting - Fine Gardening
The Dos and Don’ts of Direct Sowing
Sowing a seed directly into the ground, nurturing it, and reaping the rewards is one of the easiest gardening activities you can do—yet many gardeners don’t do it. There are…
6 Fantastic Annuals to Grow From Seed in the Northwest
There was a time when I used to eagerly await the arrival of seed catalogs in the mail each winter. Then I’d sit in the window and fold down the…
Getting Big Vegetable Production From a Small Space
I have lived—and gardened—in three countries: England, Barbados, and the United States. In the United States, I found myself settled on the eastern tip of New York’s Long Island, a…
Five Perennials That Are Easy to Grow From Seed
The reasons one should start perennials from seed are many. The most obvious one is the cost savings. Many gardeners focus on seed-starting annuals and vegetables because they think those…
Beertayday in Minnesota
We’re off to Minnesota to visit a garden that, on Instagram, has the username “Beertayda,” which means “my garden” in Somali. Today's contributor, like so many of us, says that…
Surviving the Indiana Winter
Today it is me, your GPOD editor, Joseph, checking in from my very snowy garden in northern Indiana. Recently, we had a warm day, some snow melted, and I saw…
Growing Artichokes in the Northeast
The artichoke that is cultivated as a vegetable is a variety of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus, Zones 7–10), or artichoke thistle, a thistle-type perennial in the sunflower family that’s native to…
15 Great Herbs to Start From Seed
No garden is complete without herbs. Not only are they attractive plants, but they also taste phenomenal. Herbs can be either annual (like dill or cilantro), or perennial (like sage…
How to Grow Tasty Tomatoes From Seed
A long-standing myth among tomato lovers is that home-grown tomatoes taste the best. But it’s the variety of the tomatoes that actually influences the taste, not whether they’re grown on…
Seed-Starting Glossary
What does that mean? Lots of terms, classifications, and techniques are tossed around in casual conversation about seed starting. Some you may already know, but others may puzzle you. Here…