southeast - Page 8 of 17 - Fine Gardening

  • String Theory Bluestar

    Plants for the Southeast to Add to Your Shopping List

    Whether you're walking through your local garden center, flipping through the pages of your favorite catalog, or scrolling the website of an online retailer, the sheer number of plant choices…

  • Summer snowflake

    Summer Snowflake Is a Star in the Southeast

    Everyone, not just new gardeners, is enamored by the seasonal display of spring-flowering bulbs. In the Southeast, daffodils (Narcissus spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) are without a doubt the queens…

  • red flowers in front of a tress with lots of pink flowers

    Growing Back After a Tornado

    Today Amy is sharing how her garden has recovered after tornado damage a couple years ago. Last year (Historical Camellia Garden in Virginia) I submitted photos of my historical camellia…

  • bright orange Canna flowers

    Gardening on a Balcony

    Today we’re visiting with Cynthia Strickland. We visited her former garden in St. Louis (Gardening in St. Louis), but today she’s showing us her current gardening setup on a balcony…

  • Edgeworthia flowers

    Edgeworthia Is a Winter Star for the Southeast

    Edgeworthia (Edgeworthia chrysantha, Zones 7–10) is truly a four-season plant. In summer, it’s covered in beautiful, elongated, 5-inch-long leaves that hold droplets of water on their finely pubescent surfaces. In…

  • woodland garden

    A Woodland Garden That Takes Inspiration from Nature

    Great gardening doesn't usually involve reinventing the wheel. The design strategies, plant combinations, and hardscaping additions that will take your garden from good to great likely already exist in someone…

  • How-To

    Southeast: February Garden To-Do List

    February is a month of paradox. It's often our coldest month and the one with the best chance of snow—yet flowers bloom even in snow here in the Southeast. You…

  • pruning crape myrtles

    Pruning Crape Myrtles in the Southeast

    Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp. and cvs., Zones 6–9) is one of the most popular and beloved shrubs in the Southeast. But knowing how and when to prune is crucial for…

  • Article

    Southeast: January Garden To-Do List

    January is a fairly restful time for the Southeast gardener physically, but it provides fertile ground for growing your dreams, plans, and knowledge. Watch for frost-heaving of fall-planted perennials and…

  • Flame Willow

    Plants That Peak in Winter in the Southeast

    Richie Steffen, executive director of the Elisabeth C. Miller Garden in Seattle and a leading expert on plants, discusses the often-undervalued appeal of winter gardens: “What many see as a…