southern california - Page 3 of 9 - Fine Gardening
Tips for Shopping at a Southern California Garden Center
Garden centers offer a wide range of lovely plants. Yet it’s important to consider not only the plants that we find eye-catching but also those that will thrive in our…
How to Save Water in the Garden for Droughts to Come
Water has become a critical consideration as our climate changes and reservoirs are drying. Some years may grace us with more rainfall than others, but the long-range view of the…
Attractive Ways to Grow Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs in Your Garden Design
As life comes back into the garden in spring, there’s no time like the present to focus on creating an outdoor world you can enjoy for the coming year. Spring…
Grapevines Offer a Feast for the Senses
Finding a plant that can serve multiple purposes in the garden is always a gardener’s dream. So let’s focus on a plant that is ideal for landscape designing, greening up…
March Garden To-Do List for Southern California
Plant warmer-season vegetables. Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? What a perfect time to get your vegetable gardens ready for more edibles. March is a good time…
Protecting Your Garden from Hungry Critters
Whether you dwell in the city, suburbs, or countryside, critters are likely to adore the fruits of your garden labor. While small animals such as gophers, rats, mice, squirrels, and…
Southern California: February Garden To-Do List
It’s Valentine’s Day month, so plant something red! Or gift a red plant to your significant other. This Super Red® aloe (Aloe ‘LEO 3711’, Zones 9–11) has glorious dark red…
Southern California: January Garden To-Do List
The holidays are now past, and it’s time to break down your decorations and put everything away. Before hauling the tree to the curb, consider how much of it can…
The Best Fruit Trees for Southern California
Fruit trees can be one of the best additions to any landscape. They offer shade and color in addition to healthy, delicious food. Many fruit trees can be grown in…
Tough, Low-Maintenance Shrubs for Southern California
Even if we have a wonderful year of rainfall, we need to rethink our Southern California gardens. It’s likely we will have many dry, hot years ahead. So let’s use…