southern plains - Page 5 of 12 - Fine Gardening
Plants for Birds in the Southern Plains
As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is songbirds are disappearing: “Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have contributed…
Growing Tomatoes in the Heat of Summer
It’s the middle of summer. The tomato plants are lush and full. If you live in the Southern parts of North America, you harvested a great crop in June, but…
Ornamental Edible Shrubs for the Southern Plains
If you’ve ever stopped to appreciate an okra blossom or admire the lush foliage of a pawpaw tree, you’ve noticed that edible plants can be just as beautiful as ornamental…
Growing Hydrangeas in the Southern Plains
With long-lasting blooms and gorgeous foliage, hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) are the heart and soul of the summer garden. But growing hydrangeas in the hot, dry Southern…
Native to Know: Indian Pink
Calling all hummingbirds! Indian pink (Spigelia marilandica, Zones 5–9), also called pinkroot, blooms all across the Southern Plains in late spring and early summer. Perhaps one of our showiest native…
Plants to Support Native Bees in the Southern Plains
Bees are responsible for pollinating 80% of the world’s plants, including one-third of the food on our plates and many of the ornamental plants in our gardens. While European honeybees…
Perennial Rebloomers for the Southern Plains
Dan Robarts says in his article on reblooming perennials, "...the criteria I generally adhere to for earning a spot in the beds at my home or botanical garden workplace center…
Amending Clay Soils
While soils vary considerably across the United States, many gardeners are faced with the challenge of growing plants in heavy clay soil. This may be due to the natural composition…
Beat the Heat with Shade-Tolerant Herbs and Veggies in the Southern Plains
Growing cool-season crops in the Southern Plains can be tricky. Spring plantings often bolt (go to flower) from the heat before crops mature, while fall plantings are difficult to establish…
Choosing Where to Build Your Vegetable Garden in the Southern Plains
Every climate type presents certain challenges to vegetable gardeners. Here are a few region-specific tips to keep in mind when siting a new vegetable garden in your Southern Plains garden.…