Spring Plants - Page 8 of 9 - Fine Gardening

  • Daruma Chinese fringe flower

    Plant These Only in Spring in the Southeast

    “Fall is for planting” is a mantra many gardeners know. Fall planting of hardy trees and shrubs is typically easier on the plants and on the gardener in the Southeast.…

  • Outstanding Spring Plants

    Outstanding Spring Plants for Your Region

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • Design

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for California

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • Prairie Smoke

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Mountain West

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • ‘Scarlet Storm’ Flowering Quince

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Southern Plains

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • ‘Quasimodo’ Ozark Witch Hazel

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Northeast

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…


    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Southeast

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • Fremont’s Leather Flower

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Midwest

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • Downy Clematis

    4 Outstanding Spring Plants for the Northwest

    We all have certain plants that immediately come to mind when thinking of a garden in spring. For many, these are daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths skirting the trunks of flowering magnolias,…

  • spring containers

    Spring Containers for Every Style

    Whether you want a traditional tapestry or a more modern motif, these designs will kick your season off right