Variegated Plants - Page 2 of 2 - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    Regional Picks: Variegated Plants for Shade—Southern Plains

    See regional picks for variegated plants for shade, and read the article by Andy Brand for even more ideas. "While the cool, shady areas have provided me with the opportunity…

  • How-To

    Growing Tips for Variegated Conifers

    Although generally low-maintenance, variegated conifers have a few extra needs. Here’s what you should do to keep them looking their best. See 9 cool variegated conifers here. Reject reverted branches…

  • Design

    9 Cool Variegated Conifers

    Any variegated plant creates an extra splash of color and drama, and variegated conifers are no exception. Although once thought of as appearing sickly or diseased, variegated conifers are steadily…