vegetable gardening - Page 2 of 4 - Fine Gardening
Kitchen Gardening
How to Start Pepper Seeds
If you like to grow unusual peppers, you’ll need to start from seed. Hundreds of pepper varieties are available to gardeners who take time to plant seeds, instead of the…
Grow a Pie With This Garden Plant
If you’re looking for an edible perennial to add to your vegetable garden, consider pie plant. This old favorite is grown for its stems that make delicious pies, jams and…
Kitchen Gardening
It’s Potato Planting Time
If you haven’t eaten a homegrown potato, you don’t know what a real potato tastes like. Spring’s the time to plant potatoes in the vegetable garden. Here’s everything you need…
Kitchen Gardening
Chili Pepper Season: Here’s a Trio to Try
Being a confessed chilehead, I have grown many varieties for over 40 years. Here are a few that might be new to you, that I think are worthwhile growing.
Growing Tomatoes and Peppers in the Garden using Black Plastic Mulch
Oh boy did I open a can of worms when I started to do research on the pros and cons of using black plastic mulch! Yes, it does warm the…
Vegetable vs Flower Gardening – Why not both?
I have been thinking about the pros and cons of vegetable gardening versus flower gardening.Some people are of the opinion that flowers are a waste of good productive space. That…
Kitchen Gardening
When to Harvest Vegetables
We realize that at some point our bounty need to be harvested. But when?
9 Tips for Growing Vegetables in Window Boxes
I've been very happy with these pint-sized veggie gardens as long as I remember that they can require a little special attention on occasion.
How to Pollinate Zucchini by Hand
If you’ve noticed the fruits of your zucchini plants are dying on the plant, you may need to take an active hand in pollination. Here are some tips to help…
Kitchen Gardening
The Secrets to Growing Great Winter Squash
There’s nothing more American than apple pie. Or is there? Winter squashes belong to the fall season—and to us—in a way that apples (a transplant from Eurasia) never will. Native…