watering - Page 2 of 4 - Fine Gardening
Northern California July Garden To-Do List
For the Northern California gardener, July means that summer has truly settled in. There are consistently warmer temperatures, intermittent heat waves, fog for coastal gardeners, and pleasant afternoons spent weeding,…
Southern Plains July Garden To-Do List
Reduce the mosquito population in your yard and garden. While mosquitoes aren’t technically a garden pest, they are a serious gardener pest. This is a time of year when we…
The Art of Watering the Garden
Have you ever noticed how vibrant your garden looks after a steady, soaking rain? Natural rainfall infiltrates soil in a way that is hard to match with artificial watering. We…
10 Ways to Keep Your Garden Healthy
Learn how to eliminate plant diseases by understanding and managing the conditions that cause them
How to Water Your Garden Sustainably
These tools help you put water only where you and your plants want it
How to Properly Care for a Garden Container
The right care and feeding are the secrets to keeping your pots lush and healthy all season long
Planting Garden Roses in Containers
There are roses for almost every location and so many types to choose from—hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers, ramblers, ground covers, tree roses, and more—and they’re surprisingly easy to grow. Give…
Kitchen Gardening
Setting Up a Garden Drip-Irrigation System
Here are some general thoughts and tips for setting up your first drip system.
Kitchen Gardening
How to Transplant
It is the time of year when gardeners are busy transplanting seedlings which they have grown, or plants that have been purchased from a nursery or garden center. Follow these…
Kitchen Gardening
Seed Starting 202 – Preparing Seedlings For Outdoors
This video explains how to harden off your transplants and prepare them for outdoor conditions.