winter interest - Page 7 of 8 - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    Surprising Winter- and Spring-Blooming Plant Lookalikes

    Here in the Southeast we always have something blooming, even in the poorly named “dead” of winter. Don’t think so? Just pay a bit more attention the next time you…

  • Design

    Winter Bark for Color and Texture

    February is an in-between time in the garden, although there are still plenty of chores to keep up with. But when the weather is cooperative, we must take the time…

  • Design

    Beautiful Berries for Winter Interest

    Winter walks are a great way to beat cabin fever and see plants from a different perspective. You might even discover something new while you’re on a walk! On a…

  • Design

    Camellias That Shine in Winter

    Even during the shortest days of winter, everyone loves to see beautiful blossoms. Evergreen camellia shrubs (Camellia spp. and cvs., Zones 6–10) are tough, long-lasting plants, and their beautiful winter-blooming…

  • Design

    Fall to Winter

    My name is Alice Fleurkens, and I live in Sweaburg, Ontario. This year has been special because we made quite a few changes, and I can hardly wait for spring…

  • Design

    December in an Oregon Garden

    Today we’re visiting Nancy Sarpola’s garden in its winter garb. Hi GPOD folks, I have sent you several batches of photos of our quarter-acre Oregon hillside garden over the years.…

  • Design

    Plants With Great Bones Provide Winter Interest

    Here in the Mid-Atlantic, planting for winter interest in a perennial garden or mixed border is a bit of a gamble. Perennials with persistent foliage such as heucheras (Heuchera spp.…

  • How-To

    How to Make a Holiday Wreath

    Greens • Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus, Zones 3–8) • Norway spruce (Picea abies, Zones 2–7) • Weeping Alaskan cedar (Xanthocyparis nootkatensis 'Pendula', Zones 4–7) • ‘Golden Mop’ Japanese false…

  • Design

    Captivating Combinations for Winter

    Winter can be a difficult time of year for many gardeners. The blooms of summer have come and gone, fall foliage has faded, and some of us are tired after…

  • Design

    Crafting Your Own Winter Container

    Creating a beautiful container to enjoy during the winter months is an easy way to extend the gardening season. Containers are an adaptable and versatile element of the landscape that…