Woodland Garden - Page 11 of 47 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Jewel orchid
Goodyera pubescensThis native terrestrial orchid produces basal rosettes of striking silvery-veined evergreen foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Purple Fountain’ European beech
Fagus sylvatica ‘Purple Fountain’'Purple Fountain' is a deciduous, columnar, dark-leaved tree with bronze-purple, wavy margined leaves and cascading branches.
Plant Guide
‘Diamond Frost’ euphorbia
Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’This hybrid produces masses of pure white bracts above finely textured, apple green foliage.
Plant Guide
Euonymus fortunei cvs.Prostrate to mound-forming, vigorous evergreen shrubs have oval, toothed, dark green leaves.
Plant Guide
Longspur barrenwort
Epimedium grandiflorum cvs.Longspur barrenwort is a clump-forming, deciduous, rhizomatous perennial.
Plant Guide
White enkianthus
Enkianthus perulatusThis is perhaps the most refined Enkianthus, bearing dainty, white pendulous bells in May.
Plant Guide
Mrs. Robb’s bonnet
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiaeThis variety has dark, glossy evergreen leaves arranged in tight rosettes, and it produces yellow-green bracts in mid-spring and early summer.
Plant Guide
Deinanthe bifidaThis small perennial blooms in summer with cup-shaped, waxy flowers that have numerous yellow stamens.
Plant Guide
Western bleeding heart
Dicentra formosa
Don't let its delicate appearance fool you: Western bleeding heart is hardy and tenacious.
Plant Guide
Russian comfrey
Symphytum × uplandicum ‘Axminster Gold’This notably beautiful plant produces huge, elongated banana-shaped leaves, which are arfully edged in luminescent yellow.