Woodland Garden - Page 18 of 47 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Red buckeye
Aesculus paviaThis conical shrub to small tree has palmate leaves and bears red (sometimes yellow-marked) flowers in 6-inch panicles in summer, followed by smooth-skinned fruit.
Plant Guide
Astrantia majorMasterwort produces many small, ivory flowers that are flushed pink and that bloom continuously throughout the summer and fall, wafting a sweet scent.
Plant Guide
Evergreen wild ginger
Asarum shuttleworthiiThis wild ginger is an evergreen groundcover with heart-shaped, shiny leaves that are often marbled.
Plant Guide
Arisaema triphyllumA favorite of children, Jack-in-the-pulpit is a tuberous perennial producing one or two leaves, each divided into three narrow leaflets.
Plant Guide
Callaway ginger
Asarum shuttleworthii 'Callaway'This is a slow-growing ginger, but worth the wait.
Plant Guide
European wild ginger
Asarum europaeumEuropean wild ginger is a low-growing groundcover with glossy, evergreen, heart-shaped leaves.
Plant Guide
Anemonella thalictroides
Anemonella thalictroidesThese plants are noted for their lovely, 1/2- to 1- inch-diameter crystalline white flowers.
Plant Guide
Money plant
Lunaria annuaShowy sprays of pretty purple or white flowers in spring are followed by papery, flat seedpods that look like silver dollars.
Plant Guide
‘Maradco’ beautybush
Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Maradco'Anyone who has grown beautybush knows that it puts on a spectacular pink flower display in late spring and then it goes incognito the rest of the year.