Woodland Garden - Page 22 of 47 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Umbrella leaf
Diphylleia cymosaWide and distinct umbrella-like leaves form beautiful clumps in a woodland setting.
Plant Guide
Fringed bleeding heart
Dicentra eximia ‘Alba’
Rows of white flowers dangle above the fern-like foliage, opening in April and continuing intermittently until October.
Plant Guide
Mini Penny™ hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla Mini Penny™This re-blooming mophead features inflorescences ranging 4-6 inches wide.
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Fairy Magnolia
Michelia x MicJUR01 'Fairy Magnolia'A Michelia hybrid, bred in New Zealand by Mark Jury, with beautiful lightly fragrant flowers blushed lilac pink and evergreen dark green foliage.
Plant Guide
‘Amber Ghost’ Japanese maple
Acer palmatum ‘Amber Ghost’'Amber Ghost' is a Japanese maple that offers unique color.
Plant Guide
‘Jordan’ full moon maple
Acer shirasawanum 'Jordan'Leaves emerge a lovely pastel orange, changing to stunning bright yellow through the summer with red seeds that push up above the leaves.
Plant Guide
Common periwinkle, creeping myrtle
Vinca minor 'Illumination'Like other creeping myrtles, 'Illumination' is a tough evergreen ground cover for shade that will grow in almost any soil.
Plant Guide
Viola ‘Etain’
Viola ‘Etain’A hardworking, compact perennial, ‘Etain’ violet forms well-behaved clumps and blooms from time to time from spring through fall.
Plant Guide
‘Bailey Compact’ American cranberry bush
Viburnum trilobum ‘Bailey Compact’This low-key, trustworthy shrub is perfect for the back of the border, where its dense form will create a nice backdrop for showier summer plants.
Plant Guide
Viburnum × burkwoodii ‘Mohawk’
Viburnum × burkwoodii 'Mohawk'This shrub has a compact, rounded form, growing 8-10 feet tall and wide.