Woodland Garden - Page 37 of 47 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Gaultheria procumbensThis creeping, rhizomatous shrublet grows to 6 inches, with scalloped or bristly toothed, glossy, dark green leaves.
Plant Guide
Crested leopard plant
Farfugium japonicum 'Crispatum'This evergreen foliage plant has large, leathery leaves and daisy-like yellow flowers.
Plant Guide
Redvein enkianthus
Enkianthus campanulatusThis tree-like shrub bears pendent clusters of bell-shaped, creamy-white flowers with rose veins in late spring and early summer.
Plant Guide
Southern bush honeysuckle
Diervilla sessilifolia 'Butterfly'
Southern bush honeysuckle has an attractive thicket-forming habit.
Plant Guide
Showy lady’s slipper
Cypripedium reginaeThis terrestrial orchid has 3 to 7 oval to lance-shaped leaves.
Plant Guide
Corydalis ochroleuca
Corydalis ochroleucaFrom late spring and throughout the summer, creamy flowers cover a delicate mound of filigreed gray-green foliage.
Plant Guide
‘China Blue’ corydalis
Corydalis flexuosa ‘China Blue’This is one of the coveted blue corydalises.
Plant Guide
Flowering dogwood
Cornus florida
This native flowering tree is best known for its early spring blossoms, which are actually yellowish green flowers clustered in the center of four showy, white to pink bracts 1-1/2…
Plant Guide
‘Sixteen Candles’ sweet pepperbush
Clethra alnifolia ‘Sixteen Candles’‘Sixteen Candles’ sweet pepperbush is a newer cultivar of a popular native shrub.
Plant Guide
Pale Indian plantain
Cacalia atriplicifoliaThe heart-shaped leaves of this perennial may stretch to 12 inches across.