Woodland Garden - Page 5 of 47 - Fine Gardening

  • Plant Guide

    Bent trillium

    Trillium flexipes

    This trillium produces large white flowers above the foliage in mid-spring, but the flowers are later hidden as the flower stalks nod.

  • Plant Guide

    ‘Dark Eyes’ Foam flower

    Tiarella 'Dark Eyes'

    This running cultivar has notably large light-pink flowers that appear in spring and then rebloom.

  • Plant Guide

    Columbine meadow rue

    Thalictrum aquilegiifolium

    The lacy leaves of this meadow rue look like a columbine's, hence the common and scientific names.

  • Plant Guide

    Bald cypress

    Taxodium distichum and cvs.

    Its great beauty and variety of sizes and shapes makes this deciduous conifer a candidate for extensive use.

  • Plant Guide

    Indian grass

    Sorghastrum nutans 'Indian Steel'

    Golden yellow plumes and a vase-like form give 'Indian Steel' a refined look.

  • bleeding heart
    Plant Guide

    Bleeding heart

    Dicentra spectabilis

    A garden favorite for many years, bleeding heart has soft green foliage and 1-inch-long rose pink and white heart-shaped flowers for several weeks in spring.

  • Plant Guide

    North American hay-scented fern

    Dennstaedtia punctilobula

    This fern's lacy foliage smells of freshly mown grass and carpets the woodland or a moist, partially sunny site.

  • Plant Guide

    Winter daphne

    Daphne odora

    This evergreen species produces rose-purple buds that open to white and are intensely and exotically fragrant.

  • Plant Guide

    Daphne × burkwoodii ‘Briggs Moonlight’

    Daphne × burkwoodii 'Briggs Moonlight'

    This stunning specimen has luminous, creamy-ivory leaves and narrow green margins.

  • Plant Guide

    Tokyo wood fern

    Dryopteris tokyoensis

    Tokyo wood fern's ladderlike, upright fronds provide a strong vertical accent to its surroundings.