Woodland Garden - Page 8 of 47 - Fine Gardening
Plant Guide
Aruncus dioicusGoatsbeard is a perennial native to eastern North America and parts of Europe and Siberia.
Plant Guide
Japanese maple
Acer palmatum var. dissectumThis round, mound-forming, deciduous Japanese maple has many qualities that make it an excellent garden plant, including a sculptural form, deeply cut foliage, arching shoots, and golden autumn color.
Plant Guide
Beautiful Pink Japanese Anemone
Anemone × hybrida 'Alice'This beautiful, pale pink, semi-double-flowered anemone reaches 2 to 3 feet high.
Plant Guide
Aquilegia canadensis 'Corbett'
This airy perennial has delicate dark-green leaves and many nodding, light-yellow flowers from mid-spring to midsummer.
Plant Guide
Grecian windflower
Anemone blandaThis plant produces a great low-growing mat of flowers.
Plant Guide
Red maple
Acer rubrumThis tree has lobed leaves that are green on top and gray-white beneath.
Plant Guide
Japanese painted fern
Athyrium niponicum var. pictumThis fern has cool, gray-green, almost silvery foliage and reddish-purple stalks that are useful for brightening dark spots in borders.
Plant Guide
Astilboides tabularis
Astilboides tabularisThis unique species bears large, rounded leaves that resemble lily pads and seem to defy gravity.
Plant Guide
Carpet bugleweed
Ajuga reptans
This fast spreader has dark green leaves with deep blue flowers spring to summer.