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Trick Plants with Different Needs into Sharing a Pot
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Never Forget a Plant’s Name Again
As a gardener, you may find yourself forgetting what plants you put into your containers. It’s even more frustrating when you want to replant them but can’t remember what they…
Container Gardening Basics
Container gardening is a great option if you don't have a lot of space, or if you'd like to have plants year-round. Learn how to set your plants up for…
Tour the Hollister House Garden
To learn how George created his garden at Hollister House, read his article in issue #151 of Fine Gardening .
How to Prune a Beautyberry Bush
Beautyberry (Callicarpa spp. and cvs., Zones 5-9) is a large genus of shrubs that includes hundreds of species. The flowers of beautyberry are often small and go unnoticed in…
How to Prune Smoke Bush
Smoke bush (Cotinus spp. and cvs., Zones 4–9) has amazing foliage that comes in an array of colors and beautiful, plumelike blooms. Which trait you care more about will…
How to Make a Straw-Bale Garden
Why build a straw-bale garden? For starters, it’s the perfect solution if you only have a small space to garden. This whole concept was fairly straightforward and comes together easily.…
Build a Garden Shed
Fine Gardening asked the experts at Fine Homebuilding to design and build a garden shed that was a little different. From the solid plank floors to the timber-frame look, we…
Kitchen Gardening
How to Start a Vegetable Garden: Building Raised Beds
So you're wondering how to start a vegetable or kitchen garden? Not to worry. Our seven-video series How to Start a Vegetable Garden will help you get your first veggie…