Garden Photo of the Day

Thomas’s garden in Germany (12 photos)

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Thomas Vollmert

Today’s photos are from Thomas Vollmert in Germany. He says, “I am a 57-year-old amateur gardener from North Rhine Westphalia in Germany. I´m gardening for 25 years and my garden is designed by myself.

“I love nature and the seasons in my garden. I learned a lot through gardening books and visits to beautiful gardens in England, Holland, and Germany. For 8 years I have been organizing the open garden gate here in my area. It’s important for me that my garden is open all year round worth seeing.”

GORGEOUS, Thomas! ***Check out Thomas’s blog HERE for more great shots of this awesome garden.

We’ve only ever featured a garden in Germany once before. Refresh your memory HERE.

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View 22 comments


  1. grannieannie1 05/07/2014

    Your garden has an ethereal quality and seems to belong in a different dreamy world; breath-takingly beautiful! Your curved hedging is very clever at enclosing while adding some mystery and movement. It must take a lot of work to keep it neatly trimmed up.

    Well done, Thomas, and thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. BethinIowa 05/07/2014

    Vielen Dank for sharing your absolutely glorious gardens with us, Thomas!
    These photos remind me that "dream gardens" are REAL and not just in my dreams. Your beautiful photos are an inspiration for me.I will be thinking about your fairytale landscape as I venture out to work in my own gardens today, and for many days to come :-)

  3. Lindafaem 05/07/2014

    Beautiful, peaceful, relaxing, comforting. Reminds me a lot of our farm where I grew up, it brings that feeling of "Home" to me. Thank you so much for sharing !

  4. tree_ee 05/07/2014

    Beautiful! I love the combination of clipped hedges and free-form plantings.

  5. wGardens 05/07/2014

    Oh, my ! Absolutely wonderful photos. Wish I could visit~
    How much of an area do your gardens cover? Fabulous gardens... your visitors must LOVE to linger for a very long time! Appears that you have some distant great views as well. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/07/2014

    Nothing amateur about this beautiful garden! I really enjoy the mix of the formal-looking hedges with the exhuberant plantings.

  7. mainer59 05/07/2014

    The photography of your gorgeous garden is superb! There is such a dreamy quality to the light, the color choices, and the design elements.

  8. flowerladydi 05/07/2014

    I absolutely love it!!! Love the formality with the carefree ,, formal can be somewhat ' stuffy ', but the mix makes it playful and welcoming!, you have done a fabulous job!! Love the purple/lime mix,,, lady's mantle is so great for that, and you use it alot, also looks like a lot of verbena bonariensis,, such a great plant!,,and of course all the alliums! Truly a beautiful garden,, your hedges are fabulous!,, and it all just makes me smile. Thank you! Would love to see more!

  9. NC_Yarden 05/07/2014

    I am blown away...certainly transported. Fantastic accomplishment. I really dig the curved hedge - so clever. I think it's great you open your garden. As I have stated before, we ultimately garden for ourselves, but there is an element that a garden is meant to be shared. So thank you for sharing, though I wish I could actually be there.

  10. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/07/2014

    You have done a masterful job with your garden, Thomas. It looks beautifully maintained and visitor ready to the nth degree. I admire and appreciate how you have used plant material (your curved hedge)as such an interesting architectural statement. Thanks for the close-up of your church is very charming and a definite eyecatcher.

  11. greengenes 05/07/2014

    Wow Thomas! Now this is my kind of garden. There are so many different kinds but this is super duper wonderful. I so enjoyed seeing the lighting behind your shots. It makes it look antiquey if that's a word. Simply dreamy I'd say. You have done a wonderful job. I can tell this is your passion. I find the wooden ladder and platform very interesting. What is your winters like there? I will be back again and again to look at this. For now iam heading out to go shrimping and I will certainly be thinking of this out there on the water. Thanks for making my day! Awsome!

  12. greengenes 05/07/2014

    Oh yes, and what is your hedges made of? They are just beautiful. To curve them like that is so interesting as well. Thanks again..

  13. Spring_y 05/07/2014

    I love your garden. I'm so jealous! :)

  14. Quiltingmamma 05/07/2014

    What a lovely garden. I have always been a fan of pink and purple gardens. I checked out the blog, and there is such a progress between February and March there. How I wish I was looking at aconite in March in my neck of the world. Your garden shows the value of bones for year around interest; something I have still to put in place. It is all lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  15. tractor1 05/07/2014

    Now that's a garden with soul. I love those labyrinth hedge elements, their configuration fabricated with that renowned German precision. And each photo masterfully captures a well thought out composition, each conveying a unique mood. Thank you, Thomas, for sharing your hypnotic and thought provoking creations.

  16. sheila_schultz 05/07/2014

    Your garden is definitely ready for prime time viewing, Thomas. It is spectacular. Your visitor's are very lucky!

  17. user-7006902 05/07/2014

    Exquisite! An incredible sanctuary. I feel the love.

  18. Sunrosa 05/07/2014

    Thomas your garden is truly one of a kind. Are those Yew hedges? You must have put in years of effort into it. Lovely colour combinations and plant placement. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Annigans 05/07/2014

    Beautiful and serene. Love the structure of the hedges with the contrast of flowing plants. Great pictures with the sun peaking through!

  20. sheilab 05/07/2014

    Beautiful, ethereal and inspiring. I love the alliums and the overflowing hits of purple and pinks within the formal structure of the hedges and background. The interplay of light is magical. What a wonderful sanctuary you have created.

  21. cwheat000 05/07/2014

    Thomas, this is gorgeous! It has a Piet Oudolf feel. I think this must be my favorite style and I love all gardens. You remind me that I need to invest the time and money of good "bones", before I go wild planting. Your results are to be envied.

  22. NevadaSue 05/08/2014

    Thomas, I can see you have an artist eye for photos as well as gardening. I love the way you used lighting to create the mood for some of your photos. The last one is so beautiful. Your creativity is very obvious in all your gardening. It is beautiful. I enjoyed your blog as well. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

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