Garden Photo of the Day

Vanessa’s garden in Antigua

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

Joy Farrell sure is working hard to convince us to visit Antigua! Her latest installment is some photos from her friend Vanessa’s garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

Joy says, “My friend Vanessa lives at Willoughby Bay along the south east coast line of the island. At the entry point of their home is an imposing Bismarckia nobilis, or Bismarck palm. This is an exceptionally beautiful solitary palm with very large fan shaped leaves that are blue or silver-grey in colour.  Dwarfed by the massive Bismarck are two silver button hedges facing each other on either side of the entryway.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“The rustic stone steps and walkway run throughout the garden. Flanked on either side of the walkway are all kinds of palms: fishtail, fan, foxtail, and royal. She has many mature trees see like Lignum Vitae, Flamboyance and Frangipani.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“In the heart of the garden is a sparkling pool.  It is surrounded by a rock garden that is fully loaded with color, bougainvillea, bridal bouquet and lots of palms. At the head of the pool is a pergola that provides a quiet respite, a beautiful shaded area for entertaining. Vanessa is an artiste and that is reflected in the composition of colorful ceramics scattered throughout the garden.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“The garden is full of surprises.  Around every corner is something you don’t expect. This wonderful copper water feature full of water lilies and a large earthenware fish provide some humor to an otherwise quiet corner.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

“The garden appears to be compartmentalized into outdoor rooms including an outdoor kitchen. There are a lot of large mature fruit trees and there is a story behind each one. The Willoughby Bay coastline runs along the borders of the garden.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

Yet another gorgeous Antigua garden, Joy. Again, if anyone is going to Antigua, Joy does a Gardens of Antigua tour, and you can book through Carib World Travel at (268)480-2999.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Joy Farrell

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/24/2013

    Seems like there isn't a direction to look where your eyes aren't bathed in beauty. The garden areas themselves are magical and the views out onto the large body of water are stunning. What kind of art work does Vanessa do? Painting? Sculpture?

  2. tractor1 01/24/2013

    I can only imagine the tropics this morning... all bathed in warmth... while I woke up to -0.5 degrees.

  3. reggie2013 01/24/2013

    its a beutiful garden ,theres a cool site i saw called where they have an awful lot of beuatiful chilli seeds

  4. cwheat000 01/25/2013

    Stunning, one of the best tropical gardens I have seen.

  5. pattyspencer 01/25/2013

    Love it! What is that amazine plant in the last pic? Some kind of groundcover??

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