Garden Photo of the Day

The very first Fine Gardening Garden Photo of the Day!

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Welcome to the very first Fine Gardening Garden Photo of the Day! Every weekday we’ll post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

Sign up to get it in your mailbox, so you’ll always remember to take a look. We look forward to sharing our garden travels with you.

If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us! Send hi-res images to We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

The garden in today’s photo was designed by Tom Nelson and Randy Bolin in Oakland, California.

View 5 comments


  1. PrimaryColors 12/28/2009

    I love the untamed feel of this garden. Such a peaceful escape!

    Primary Colors by Ellen

  2. user-7006879 01/04/2010

    ahh, so peaceful. So nice to look at while I am shivering here in MT.

  3. cartoongirl 01/05/2010

    I loved peering into to your beautiful,harmonious garden. What
    a perfect spot to have coffee and read the paper, or
    write a book! ! ! Penny T.

  4. GardenSmiles 02/20/2014

    Beautiful! What a nice start to a wonderful way to share gardens with others. I always look forward to seeing the posts from other gardeners for inspiration and enjoyment. Thanks Fine Gardening Magazine for GPOD's on Facebook!

  5. GardenSmiles 02/20/2014

    2010 to 2014, way to go Michelle Gervais. We appreciate you and what you're doing for others all over the world!

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